Monday, March 9, 2009

Eldo guy!

AKA Elmo

Everyone knows this cute furry lovable red monster friend right? Well he has reached rock star status in this house! Meagan practically eat sleeps and breathes Elmo. Well maybe not THAT extreme, but pretty darn close! She has 10 (I counted) Elmo DVD's, numerous books, Elmo cloths (see photos), and now she has all these great Elmo friends, thanks to Andrea!! One big giant Elmo and 4 tickle me, dancing, limbo Elmos! Thanks Andrea so much, you have no idea how delighted she was when she opened up her bag loaded with her favorite "guy" in the world! Although she says "Eldo" and not Elmo (much to Joe Joe's dismay I might add) and "guy" almost always follows. It's not stop "Eldo guy" in this house. His DVD's are playing ALL the time! As a matter of fact when I took these pictures she was watching him and I had to work hard to get her attention away from her beloved friend! I have to admit I do love this furry red friend too, almost as much as I love Hello Kitty...:)

Look at her crazy hair! Untamed is the best way to put it! She's getting so big! She's almost 2 now...where does the time go?
Sorry it's been so long since my last post...maybe now with the new computer I'll post more.

Monday, November 17, 2008


Ok so let me start by saying that I'm sorry it's been so long since i've posted anything new here. Last time I posted about being very excited about going to the scrapbook weekend which of course was very fun!! Got in a real groove this year and really felt like I got some good pages done. I love that because last year I never felt like I really got into a groove even tho I was so excited about it and glad to be there I just didn't get my mojo going. I think it's cause my buddy Ali wasn't there, I really do. She is my buddy who sits with me at the end of the table. My scrapping good friend...LOL!! The one who gets silly with me at 11 o'clock at night!
So then next came Hopey's birthday party. She turned 9 this year! Next year it's the big double digits for her. WOW!! She was just a baby last time I looked.

STOP growing up Hopey...what you don't know is that it's alot more fun to be little that all grown up!!
That's all for this post...more to follow...stay tuned!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Almost one week from now...I'll be SCRAPBOOKING!!! YAY!!!

Just a little note to say I just can't wait to go scrapbooking! Can't wait to visit with a bunch of really nice people. I can't wait to have an actual adult conversation that doesn't get interupted with screaming or fighting or wanting or needing. I'm really hoping to get into a groove this year and pump out some pages. Here's a sampling of some pics I may just be scrapbooking.
I can't wait!! Sounds like heaven right about now...good friends, good food, good scrapbooking. Oh I hope I don't snore though...

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Hopey the Cheerleader!!

Well any of you who know Hope know she's a girlie girl!! So I asked her when baseball came around "Hope do you wanna play baseball?" Nope is what she said. Hmmm I thought. She didn't want to play soccer either. We even tried some basketball over the summer. Nope not her thing either. So I eventually, just in the nick of time got her signed up for cheerleading for the grid kids here in Benton City. She LOVES it! It is her thing! They even have the whole uniform. As you can see...

That's her friend Jordan with her. Hope likes having her buddy with her! I've been trying to get some good pics of her and she gets mad at me. So I'll keep trying and post more when I can get them. Until then "Ra Ra Ra - Go Ki Be Bears"!!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Just my thought...and i'm sharing it!!

More like the Anti-Hillary...YESSSSSS!!!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Back to School!!

Well the day finally arrived. The dreaded, the anticipated, the longed for big day!! The very first day of a new school year! All slates are wiped clean. A fresh start! I have to say I was so glad when school got out last year. I was really tired of the back and forth. I was looking forward to the long break. Then...I started looking forward to the this...the first day!! And now finally it's here. It's almost 2 o'clock now and i'll be leaving to go get them soon. Find out how their days went. (Hopefully well) Maybe talk to a teacher or two. I look forward to this year and what it might bring...we will see!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

~~~ A Reluctant Princess ~~

Hopey thought it would be fun to dress Meagan up the other day. Meagan liked it for about the first round. Then got fussy and mad. Hope still managed to get her dressed in some "pretty" outfits! As you can tell she gets harder and harder to take pictures of because she never sits still or I can't get her to look at the camera for me. She is very busy lately. She is getting all her teeth it seems all at once too. She's is not the only princess in the house but she is the tiniest!